Key Research Findings
About the research.
Faith leaders shared about their experiences responding to substance use issues and their needs for practical resources.
Statewide Survey
In 2021, we invited over 1200 clergy from 25 counties across NC to participate in a needs assessment survey. We selected 25 counties to provide geographic and rural/urban diversity, and we prioritized counties with markers of opioid use (like high overdose rates). The goal of the survey was to learn more about how clergy encounter and respond to substance use issues in their churches and communities.
A total of 186 clergy and lay leaders participated in the online survey. They answered questions about the demographics of the churches they served.
Respondents were 80% mainline Protestant.
On average, nearly 60% of the adult congregants in the churches were age 60 or older, whereas less than 20% of the adult congregants were under age 35.
81% of respondents estimated that the churches they served were at least 90% white.
Compared to the population of North Carolina as a whole, our sample consisted of higher earners. According to census data, 20% of households in North Carolina earn less than $25,000 per year, and 25% earn over $100,000 per year. Of our respondents, 10% of congregants lived in households earning less than $25,000 per year, while 41% of congregants lived in households earning over $100,000 per year.
Geographic spread of survey participants
Listening Sessions
After completing the online survey, we organized listening sessions with clergy and community leaders responding to substance use issues. Eight separate sessions were held, comprised of groups with shared characteristics such as race and ethnicity, denominational affiliation, and geographic location.
A total of 43 clergy and community leaders participated in the listening sessions. Participants ranged in age from 27 to 76, with an average age of 55, and 47% were female and 53% male. 47% of participants were white, 42% were Black, and 11% identified as multiracial or other. 18% of all participants indicated having Latino, Hispanic, or Spanish ethnicity.
Our research results are currently in the publication process. Stay tuned for a more detailed account of what we’ve found.
“We don't offer all the answers. We don't. We're not trained to do all that counseling or medical care for people. But, we can offer that presence of kindness and acceptance without judgment and to walk alongside people and help people and follow up.”
— Listening Session Participant